Arab League
The Arab League, or League of Arab States (LAS), is an international organization of countries whose population mainly speaks Arabic or where Arabic is the official language. The League was established on March 22nd 1945, after the adoption of the Alexandria Protocol in 1944, with the purpose of uniting the independent Arab states under one common association. Including its six founding members (Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia), this organization has a total of 22 members with Palestine being considered a free state, however Syria is currently suspended due to its ongoing violent conflicts
The League’s chief body is its council, which is composed of representatives from every country who all have equal votes- irrespective of country size. This council typically convenes biannually- in March and in September, however special sessions can be held at the request of two or more member states. Day-to-day administration is led by an administrative body called the secretariat which is currently headed by Secretary-General Nabil el-Arabi. The organization has been tackling modern day issues like women’s equality, promoting young talent and improving child welfare through utilization of advanced technology and effective campaigning. Its ultimate objective is to unite all Arab nations and improve the image of Muslim nations.
1. The ongoing battle in Syria and the cessation of hostilities
2. The Question of Kurdistan
Email: pema01lama@gmail.com
Pema Lama
Pema is a giver. And keeping to the title - as your chair- she will give you guidance, challenge, motivation, laughter, critique, drama, dance, sing-alongs, fashion advice, formal advice, tantrums, polemics and most likely a really hard time: basically, she will strive to give you a committee of constant zest that you won’t ever regret being a part of.
Pema is also someone who writes poetry, dances to trap music, takes unhealthy amount of selfies, and tweets about her views on life and sometimes, Kanye West. Avoid the mention of T.Swift, Priyanka Chopra, or any anti feminist sentiments and you shall cruise through committee without being subjected to her - over the top - eye rolls and caustic responses, that are part joke part not.
From college, to careers, to food choices, your chair knows very well what she wants in life, and lucky for you, The Arab League was what she’d set her eyes on since the very start. To be delegates under her direction would mean to witness her perfectionist level of organization, articulacy, sagacity and wit. It also means that she’ll be expecting the same from you, and would want you as delegates, to put your most fashionable foot forward. Packed with several MUN awards along with participation in national and international MUNs, Pema is certainly the crème de la crème RBS has to offer this MUN.
Samyam Dhungel
Samyam Dhungel is an approachable and friendly addition to the MUN dais. He has been part of the RBS MUN for the past few years and his efforts have landed him victory in every session. A part of the RBS Basketball team, Samyam can be considered a pro in the game armed with his talent which allows him to 'shoot from anywhere'. Not limiting his interests to the ball game, Samyam is an enthusiastic cyclist and brings this enthusiasm to the MUN this year. Delegates, having Samyam as your vice-chair will ensure an amazing experience not only because his committee will provide equal opportunities for everyone , but also because he himself is an incredibly interesting person to be around.
Aneesh Hada
One can always expect an enlivening moment whenever Aneesh is around, whether he is a delegate or a dais member. He is passionate about debating, and expects his delegates to have the same fire while in the session. A natural leader with international MUN experience under his belt, he has won a special mention and two verbal mentions, so delegates should not hesitate to make any queries regarding the MUN session.
Aneesh's social, creative and hardworking disposition is an asset. He is good at striking a conversation on just about any subject. A great shooter in basketball and an avid reader, he takes keen interest in Greek mythology.
Aneesh gets his charm from his unique sense of humor that encourages one to see the brighter side. He will not only be an amazing moderator but also an amazing person for all delegates to discuss with. The delegates of Arab League are extremely lucky to have him as their moderator, and will surely have a memorable time both in the practice sessions and the main sessions.