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Uninted Nations Environment Summit

The United Nations Environmental Summit is a meeting of administrators with prearranged agendas that will last for a certain number of days, in this case: three. The Summit will bring about bold actions that will reduce emissions, strengthen climate resilience, and mobilise political will to bring about positive environmental change. Its main objective is to encourage economic growth compatible with the protection of the environment. The United Nations Environmental Summit provides a unique opportunity for the states to champion an ambitious vision, anchored in action that will enable a meaningful global agreement. The program works to ensure that nations develop environmentally sound policies while preventing further harm to the environment caused by Human Development.

Some topics that the Committee is looking to discuss are: Carbon Neutral Fuels, Maglev Train System, Energy and Security in Asia among others.

1.      Eradicating poverty through an inclusive green economy and implementation of sustainable carbon neutral fuels 

2.     Sustainable consumption and production for energy security along and combating climate change

Study Guide
Country Matrix

Akanchya Maskay


Think of someone who is a) a good student, b) has their extra-curricular in check.

That person is not Akanchya Maskay.

Not unless s/he is c) an avid reader, a major otaku, a lame pun machine and a Nutella fanatic who just so happens to be an artist, a singer, an awesome dancer, a 3 pointer scorer in basketball and only the most thug goalie in the girl’s football team. I mean, could she get any closer to being an epitome of an “all-rounder”?

Although having been introduced to the world of MUNing only last year, she has already participated in 3 MUNs (2 international) and has proved herself worthy of the title of a best delegate and a verbal mention. It goes without saying that Akki is one of the sincerest, diligent and approachable Chairs you could have asked for. Rest assured that she will have pledged to make sure each delegate’s opinion is heard and that the world problems are solved in her committee through intense (and sensible) debating sessions

tinged with good humor.


A word of advice to all the delegates in her committee: Be in your best behavior and participate enthusiastically, or watch all hell break loose.

Astha K. KC

Vice chair

Don’t let her meek looks fool you, Astha is not only an experienced MUNer (who’s been to 8 MUNs and won AT LEAST 4 times!!!), but she is also into KARATE! Being a Potterhead, Astha will bring in some magic into the committee. Known to be caring and gentle soul, she will without a doubt encourage her delegates to step outside their comfort zone. Not to mention she will make sure that her delegates are

well informed on the topic.

Astha is a very loving person who is crazy about Italian food and Tom Hiddleton (Now you know how to impress her). However, always have a horror story at the back of your mind if you wish to scare her (Trust me, she’ll run screaming on the top of her lungs).

All in all, you are lucky to have Astha as your Vice-Chair, not only is she very fluent with foreign policies and very approachable, but she will the committee is as dynamic as her personality. She appreciates quality of speech over quantity. So, come well researched if you are in her committee.

Ankan Subedi


With a wide array of witty remarks that will leave you burning for days, this particular moderator will be sure to last in your memory for a long time. While Ankan is supposed to mean “hug” in Nepali, you will beg to differ after your time with this Ankan is over, as humor seems to be a more fitting meaning for him. While it may take a little time for him to come out of his shell, delegates, I assure you, when he does, your committee will explode into a chaos of entertainment. Still, he is caring and understanding, one who will want every single delegate, strong or not, to improve under his guidance, and will not shy away from helping any fellow delegates when he is needed. Being the patient person he is, he will take the necessary time needed in order to help delegates clear their confusions.


Underneath the aloof and carefree attitude Ankan displays in public, if he does set his mind to do something, he will show a frightening amount of determination to complete that task. He will expect a certain level of debate in his committee, of course, but will also most likely be the much needed comic relief of your committee. A multiple time verbal mention in the Rato Bangala Model United Nations, he is the one person you can definitely trust to help you, whether it is in the committee or out of it.


On a parting note, don’t try dishing out the burns to this person if you can’t take any in return, and enjoy

every single session you have with this person- you will grow to miss him once MUN is over!

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