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Special Political and Decolonisation

The Special Political and Decolonization Committee is also known as the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly. The Committee deals with a variety of issues present in the world such as decolonization, refugees and human rights, self-determination, peacekeeping, mine action, outer space, public information, atomic radiation.

The United Nations Fourth Committee was formed after dismantling the trusteeship system which was created due to independence of all the trust territories and non-self-governing territories. Although initially mandated to address decolonization in the post-World War II era, the Committee also focuses on the special political duties of most colonies and UN trust territories. SPECPOL has been a highly effective committee, partially responsible for freeing nearly 80 colonies or about 748 million people since the end of the World War II.

In present day context, following the mandate, the Special Political and Decolonization Committee acknowledges and discusses a mix of political issues and the contentious issues of decolonization.

1.  Addressing the Situation of Occupied Territories in Azerbaijan


2.  Provisions for Cyber Crimes and Tackling Cyber Terrorism

Study Guide
Country Matrix

Mitesha S. Shakya


Shrawak Lama


Now this description in no way will tell you exactly what Shrawak is like or will be in committee; nor will it give some of you fangirls much insight into his personal life (so put away your notebooks and pens).

Shrawak goes by many names; Lambhu, 2L, Barwak, “yes man”, but most importantly Phucche. He’s the guy who will stand out from the crowd, not just for this good looks but for his incredible height. Quite literally, he seems like a sophisticated, proud and long-necked llama, towering over an insignificant crowd of peasants. Shrawak is a passionate musician who sings as well as plays both the guitar and the piano. A hardcore Nirvana fan and an avid gamer, you will have a lot to talk about when it comes to music and video games. Though he may come off as a tad bit intimidating to most of you, don’t worry because he’s intimidating to most everyone and not just you (you special little flower). So buckle up for the most difficult yet exciting 3 days of your life, with him as your chair.

Shrawak holds 5 years of MUN experience; indeed, he has participated in several Model UNs, both national and international, receiving two special mentions and a best counsel award in the process. So you delegates (I said back off all you fangirls, shoo) are under the good hands of an experienced, mature, and well-rounded chair who will be expecting nothing but hard work and all your devotion in SPECPOL. He is well-versed in his agenda and meticulous about details, so he will not tolerate any half-hearted, last minute work. However if that’s what you do, he’s bound to get more sour than milk left out on a hot summer day—so beware.

There’s an old nursery rhyme that goes – Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow. Back to home, I dare not go. For if I do, my mother will say, “Have you ever seen a llama wearing pajamas?” – Shrawak is that Llama.

Sija Tripathi

Vice chair

She sings her heart out and dances till she wakes up with limbs sore the next day. Someone who you’ll find where the fun is at, our Sijpij (aka CJ or Pizza) is one of the most vibrant souls you'll come across. To her, friends and good books are as sacred as delicious food.

Having won a best delegation title during her very first MUN in 2012, Sija is a natural at MUN and has participated in two other MUNs since. She'll expect delegates to have kept themselves well informed about current, global affairs and to actively participate in the sessions—without a lack of enthusiasm. As a vice-chair, Sija will be as helpful as she can be intimidating. If you have any problems, she will make it her personal responsibility to see to it that your doubts are cleared (provided you approach her with your issues).

 And if you manage to make her proud, she might just allow a few motions of entertainment where she’ll show off her dancing and singing skills; so get on her good side!

Megha Agrawal


Hardworking, hilarious, and hella rad—Megha is the apple of everybody’s eye at RBS. As your moderator, it can be said with 100% guarantee that there won’t be a stone left unturned in making the committee interesting, fun as well as productive. While Megha’s solid work ethics are what makes her most worthy of being a part of the dais, her credentials also boast of participation in over six national and international MUNs combined.

Intentionally (or perhaps unintentionally), Megha is capable of making anyone laugh. Her lively, enthusiastic and friendly nature will make her the most approachable member of your dais and she will make sure that you are most comfortable and satisfied in committee. Her observant eyes will also serve as the most honest judge of your performance in this year’s MUN.

Besides dressing up and outshining everyone else, Megha enjoys photography and travelling. She is often the victim of pranks, however not a moment goes by without her smiling and making the best of any situation. Megha’s radiant positivity, kindness and naivety, are at par with her determination, tenacity and vigor which makes her an exceptional executive board member.

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